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Our Story

FounderCulture is a global community of 700+ Founders who work together to "pay it forward"

and improve the odds for Founders to build world-changing companies.

We create intimate learning experiences under Chatham House Rule -- and we've had many events at this property!


These events include in-person + virtual events like:



Our Vision is to improve the odds for Founders, worldwide, by creating intimate learning experiences in spaces like this property.


We turn those events into stage-appropriate actionable insights for our community — and publicly for Founders globally.

We publish all insights to: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and HackerNews


FounderCulture began as a passion project—a dream from startup powerhouses DROdio and Sue to support Founders & create an ecosystem of subject matter experts who are equally passionate about the impact startups have on the world.

Sharing Knowledge

Our goal is to share learnings from our events globally for Founders worldwide

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